Friday, April 21, 2017

Vegan Almond flour Crepes


1 cup almond meal/flour

1 cup almond or coconut milk

1 tsp baking powder

Pinch of sea salt

1 tbsp flax meal

1 tsp cinnamon

1 banana


Heat a cast iron pan or griddle over high heat with a teaspoon or two of coconut oil until it’s melted.

Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl until you have a runny pancake batter. You may need to adjust, adding more of the non-dairy milk to make it the right consistency. You want it to be nice and runny.

Reduce heat to medium low and scoop roughly 1/4 to 1/2 cup of batter onto the hot surface. spread thinly, When bubbles are covering the top of the batter, flip and cook the other side.
Keep in a slightly warm oven or stack on a dishtowel or plate.
Serve warm with almond butter and fresh fruit. Or sauteed vegetables for a savory dish. You can pair this just about anything really.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hummus Recipe (Homemade)

Prep time: 10 mins.

Level : super easy 



Turns out making your own hummus at home isn't as complicated as it may sound, and to be honest its not expensive either. Its amazing how a little time and effort with just a few ingredients can give you a much better tasting hummus than that which you'll buy from an over priced store.
OK without further due lets get started.


1 can of cooked chick peas

drained and rinsed . 
juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 cloves of garlic 
1 tbsp sesame seeds 
A pinch of salt 
olive oil (extra virgin) 
chopped parsley... 
hot sauce (optional)


-  Place all ingredients in a food processor and pr
ocess until the hummus is coarsely pureed.

-  Taste, for seasoning,

-  Serve chilled or at room temperature.

-  Transfer to serving bowl.

-  Drizzle with olive oil 

-  Sprinkle with parsley .


-  This recipe stores in the fridge for 1 week. 

-  you can have this with any chips or crackers of your choice,
or veggies..

please enjoy! 😋

like and share if you please..👍

comment let me know if you've tried it.💭

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sorrel Drink (Guyana)

  1. Sorrel is a popular drink here in Guyana and the Caribbean in general, during the Christmas holiday season its a must have for some families.
  2. I absolutely love this especially on a hot day.

  3. Ingredients 
  4. 1. sorrel
  1. 2. half a thumb of ginger
  2. 3. 1 stick of cinnamon
  3. 4. cloves 
  4. 5. orange peel

  5. Directions

  1. 1. In a pot bring about 10 cups of water to a boil then add the sorrel, cinnamon stick, whole cloves and orange peel and stir continuously while the mixture boils for about two minute.
  2. 2. Remove from heat cover and set aside at room temperature for 2 hours or overnight (this process is called steeping) 
  3. 3. Strain through a fine sieve and discard the spices and the sorrel remains. at this point you can add your sweetener of choice, i'm vegan so i add maple syrup to mine , but of course you can add sugar or honey whichever you choose.
  4. 4. Transfer to glass jar (do not use plastic) and refrigerate,
  5. Enjoy

Monday, September 26, 2016

Oatmeal Breakfast Bowl

Today's breakfast is absolutely stunning and equally yummy. 
My day usually starts at 5:00 am, and after my morning walk this is just what I need. I would make my oatmeal and top it with whatever fruit I have on hand that day. In Guyana there's No abundance of fruits year round..
One of my favorite things to do is go to the farmers market here, there's always so much to choose from. Anyway before I get carried away as I  usually do let me tell you how I made this.. PS. When I saw that they had shaddock at the market I was so excited.. I knew I had to try this with my oatmeal and guess what? I loved it..


1.  7 tablespoons of wholegrain oats (I use the old fashioned oats)

2. A dash of nutmeg

3. Half a stick of cinnamon

4. Chia seeds

5. 1 cup of watermelon  cubes

6. Half cup of shaddock pulp.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Juicing daily

Someone asked me just yesterday "why don't you just eat the fruits and vegetables instead of juicing them?"
Well see my body /stomach is not the same as that of a normal person, and that is due to the damage done by aggressive chemotherapy, which I had for Breast Cancer. So u see it takes longer for my body to break down the food I eat, and in order for me to get the nutrients I need as soon as possible, I aid my body by doing the work for it, just so it doesn't have to work overtime to provide me with the basic nutrients I need on a daily basis.
This juice is my absolute go to. Beetroot is sweet and has so many amazing healing properties it flushes your liver and kidneys,and carrots are packed with vitamins.

What you need.
1 beetroot
2 sprouted carrots
1 green apple

How to.
In a juicer, juice all ingredients skin and all, this insures you get everything from your fruit or veggies.

Serve with ice (optional)

Drink right way, do not store.


Friday, September 9, 2016

Home decor

I realized that I haven't done a blog post in so long, so much has happened in my life since..
Anyway I am going to try very hard to start posting more often. 

Well health wise I'm OK, still trying to live with all the changes that my body has, and is still going through. It has been challenging at times but all in all I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm fighting. 
So I've been making a lot of changes around the house lately, and I thought I'd share with you.

My love for all things home is forever expanding and hence I'm always trying to find and create nice things for my space. Of course I'm no designer, interior decorator, or what have you, it's my style  so I decided to do a print out of one of my very favorite quotes
 "Do what you love , love what you do" 

And since I've been repotting my plants, I choose to place a plant and my favourite candle at the moment next to each other, and I love the look of the 3, excuse my notepad and pen but I'm constantly writing stuff down so I have notepads and pens scattered all around the house.. 

Anyway that's it for now.. talk to you soon.. 

Tell me what you think about my little set up.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Flu shot

So all of last week I was down with the flu, sneezing, runny nose, fever and cough.
Because of the fact that my body went through so much with chemotherapy and radiation I didn't want to add another set of chemicals to fight the flu.
So I started experimenting.
I remember my mom using Ginger for almost everything. And from research I've found that turmeric has healing properties and lemon or orange is my vitamin c. So I thought of combining the three and see what happens. 
here is how to;

1 tsp freshly grated turmeric
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
1 wedge or lemon or juice of half.
1 cup of Boiling water.

1. add all ingredients to cup.
2. pore boiling water into cup and stir until all ingredients are combined.

1. take precautions when using fresh turmeric, it tends to stain.

Take this mixture 3 times daily until flu has disappeared.

I only took this 3 times a day for one day and the next morning i had no flu